
Need web data aggregated?

Our experts will write scraping script to meet all your needs

Quality Data. Highly Scalable. Affordable price.

Python Data Scrapy Solutions

Python Data Scrapy Solutions

Product Catalog Builder

Product Catalog Builder

Our experts offer highly scalable Scrapy crawler scripts to aggregate product information from your drop shipping websites.
Web Content Aggregator

Web Content Aggregator

Our solution experts help you to aggregate news information, event information, social information, job portal and more…
Price Comparison Script

Price Comparison Script

Stay ahead of your competitors and sell your products at counter offers using Price Comparison crawler scripts

Lead Generator

Lead Generator

Spending more for generating leads? Our Engineers write crawl scripts & generate lead for your needs at high ROI.

Social Profile Mining

Social Profile Mining

Another source of generating leads for your business using social profile scripts to take from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc.,

Site Specific Extraction

Site Specific Extraction

We have experts writing custom program scripts to fetch data of your need. Be it complex sites, Big data, quality data.

How it works ?

Website Data Scrapy

Why eGrove?

Low Cost Website Data Scrapy

Low cost

Our solutions are low cost and no risk in investing in crawler scripts for your business data.
Python Website Scrapy


We provide scalable, quality yet cost effective crawl solutions using open source technologies.
Web Scraping with Python


We have got many satisfied clients for whom we delivered data mining and crawler solutions.
Data quality & Support

Data quality & Support

We do support you with continuous monitoring and fine tuning of script for optimization & data quality.


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Partners & Clients

  • Relaex
  • First Data
  • Infinity
  • Wiley
  • Surfly
  • American Made
  • Lean and healthy

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