



Elite Site Optimizer (ESO) is an innovative SEO analysis tool which ensures maximum website optimization. This SEO analysis tool focuses on mobile ranking analysis and keyword ranking analysis, making it easy for the users to enhance the performance of their sites.  ESO also allows SEO professionals to check on their domain performance in various search engines.

ESO gives SEO professionals different types of reports and analyses such as rank analysis, competitor rank analysis, page-wise rank analysis, mobile rank analysis, site audit report, on page SEO elements report, missed opportunities report link checker analysiscomparative analytics, social signal tracking and more.

Apart from this, ESO has an additional feature called Custom Reports Builder that allows domain owners and SEO professionals to build and receive custom reports


Features Implemented in Elite Site Optimizer

  • Elite Site Optimizer is a modern SEO analysis tool and a part of this tool is the Ranking script
  • The Ranking script is an engine that crawls different search engine results including specific locales for rank positions for the given keywords along with competitor ranks
  • The ranking script will crawl on a regular basis and keep the ranking data for the keyword across search engines, locale up to date
  • The ranking script was developed using the ScraPy Python framework with PostgreSQL
  • This crawler also uses the Multi-threading concept



  • Website Development 95% 95%
  • Search Engine Algorithm 99% 99%
  • Responsive Theme Integration 92% 92%

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