

The Couture Club


Couture Club is an eCommerce Open Source eCommerce Software website offering access to fashion accessories from international and domestic designers and online auctioning of gently-used designer accessories that were once previously borrowed pieces. Non-members will not be allowed to participate in the website’s auction portal. We implemented unique borrowing services, allowing members to borrow and keep designer accessories for up to 14 days. The Company’s members will be allowed to make up to three borrow orders per month through the website. Couture Club will offer a three-tiered membership plan. These tiers will be labeled Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and will include separate and distinct benefits and privileges.


Features Implemented in Couture Club

  • Implemented borrow functionality in website
  • Web auctioning on membership products
  • Implemented paid Membership subscription
  • Customer can able to buy and membership users can able buy, borrow and involve in product auctions
  • PayPal advanced payment gateway integrated in website.
  • Customer can able to browse products from categories and subcategories
  • Keyword search has been implemented
  • Implemented Reward points system
  • FAQ section implemented with Ajax link loading
  • Implemented dynamic homepage banner sliders that can be compatible for both video and banner with link
  • Dynamic CMS homepage block with backend management



  • Website Development 100% 100%

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