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Contact Form Builder

Stunning Contact Storage through Joomla Contact Form Builder

Create your own contact us form by using Joomla Contact Form Builder! Joomla is an award-winning, open source content management system which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. The contact form builder is an extension for creating our own contact us form for Joomla based eCommerce stores. This extension integrates with the Joomla eCommerce Software and facilitates the Users of Joomla based websites to design their own Contact us forms. It helps users to create stunning contact pages in minutes without any coding. It has a very simple interface to allow users to get up and running quickly.

The user interface includes:

Tool Panel: It shows all available elements and controls for forms, In order to add elements in the workflow area user has to drag available elements in the Tool panel to the workflow area.

Work flow: This is the active area where elements are placed to create forms or pages. We can increase the size of the work area by simply dragging it.

Save Template Button: This button saves your current template. All templates must be saved in order to be shown on the Joomla sites. (NOTE: After making a change to your template you must save it and set it as a default using the setting default template button).

Loading Template Button: This button shows all saved templates and allows you to select previously saved templates. To delete a Template double click on the name of the template in pop-up.

Setting default Template Button: Before a template can show on your website it must be set as a default.

Full Screen Toggle Button: Allows you to switch to full screen mode.


1. The Contact Form builder has a resizable page canvas.

  • The page size can be set up in pixels
  • To increase the page size, we can visually drag the page to the desired size.

2. The tool box of Contact Form builder comprises customizable HTML fields

  • A total of 15 customizable HTML controls in the Tool box
  • The toolbox consists of standard HTML controls like Label, E-mail, Submit Button, Paragraph, Text area
  • Featured enhanced HTML controls like Map, CAPTCHA, Drop Down, Radio buttons, Check boxes
  • Social buttons like Twitter, Facebook are also integrated into the Toolbox.
  • The field properties like size, color, font, weight, text alignment, border color and more can be customized by one click.
  • Set fields to be mandatory or optional.
  • Set Place Placeholder text in fields that disappears when the users enters data.

3. Notifications

  • An email address has to be set where collected data has to be sent
  • Email notification when someone completes your form
  • Customized message sent with data collect and/or personalized text
  • Greeting text thank you message after form is submitted.

4. Drag and Drop controls precisely on the page

  • All fields in the tool box are easily Dragging -able to page canvas
  • Fields can be located precisely by dragging them to the desired position in the canvas
  • Absolute positioning for the fields can be done from the control’s setting.

5. Store Contact Page Templates

  • Allows users to create, edit, delete and save multiple contact page templates
  • Load individual templates and set desired template as default.

6. Spam control for the contact page designer

  • A CAPTCHA based verification system to ensure the message is sent by a person

7. Contact Form builder Integrates with mail chimp

  • A mail chimp integration which allows users to capture contacts easily.

Using this module you can provide a stunning Contact us page for your customers. It is simple and quick to install. This module is compatible with Joomla versions 1.7 and 2.5.


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