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schema mark up

Schema Markup Recommendations for B2B Websites

Schema markup provides richer results on search engines. When a visitor types in the relevant keyword in the search bar and clicks on ‘search,’ the results display the relevant web pages. With schema markup, the results are better and more relevant. Additionally, the search engine also displays the relevant web pages, and markup can also help improve the B2B website’s rankings. Some of the features of schema markups for B2B websites are as follows:

  1. Product

When a product-related schema is provided, the schema provides the relevant information such as the pricing, rating, and description of the product. The metadata displayed on the search engine landing page will provide all the relevant details making the information comprehensive but adequate for the visitor to click on the link.

  1. Video

The video-related schema will provide relevant content regarding the snippet video displayed on the search engine landing page. You will get details such as publishing dates, genre, copyright, rating, video quality, thumbnails, and version. Some of the necessary details for the video will be given, making it relevant for the visitor.

  1. Organization

When you evaluate the markup for an organization, then the type of business will be the markup’s first level. There are different types of business organizations and the snippets displayed will differ based on the type of organization for which the search is being done. The two relevant markups for organizations are as follows

a.Corporation markup

When you think of a corporation markup, you will have to give details such as the company’s logo, contact details such as the phone number, and the SiteNavigationElement. Global Navigation is essential so that searches made from anywhere in the world apply to the markup you created.

b.Local business

The local business markup should have information about the local office and its specific locations. You can give the addresses or local listings. This is important for business, especially if you are looking for web traffic concentrated in a particular geographical region.

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  1. Person

The schema for a person should have the person’s relevant details, such as the designation of the individual. You will have to give the person’s name followed by the employee tags, job titles, and other similar details. You can also give headshots, which will come under the ‘image’ of the schema markup. The most relevant part of the schema markup of a person is as follows

a.Google authorship

You will need to connect the author’s name to their Google Profiles and Author Tags to make the search authentic and relevant.

  1. Events

The schema markup for events such as concerts, functions, lectures, and other similar gatherings should consist of the date, location, and time. If the schema is being developed for repeated events, these too should be presented as different objects.

  1. Mobile and software app listings

This schema should consist of details of the app and ratings to add authenticity to the application. This information is used to display better results regarding the app.

  1. Others

The schemas for various other types of posting are as follows:


This schema should describe the type of opening in a particular organizatio


These are like a set of links that the visitor can check to understand your website’s hierarchy and its authenticity


If there is an extension markup of a product, then this is an offer markup. This is an added feature to an existing markup.

Thus, schema markups are essentially the snippets of information that you want the search engine to display when visitors search for a piece of particular information or product.

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